The seven cyclops sculptural group is intended as a connector between the major particle physics experiments currently present in the world and the grammar of art, alluding, at the same time, to the ancient Greek mythology to oriental meditative practices and contemporary sports references.

Seven times seven: Seven helmets, seven experiments, seven symbols, seven places, seven colors, seven tennis balls, seven steel spheres are assembled in a single environmental installation. The gigantism of the head alludes to the legendary world of cyclops; The reflective stickers, each time different for each of the 7 elements, represents the logo of the scientific institution, including the Large Hadron Collider of CERN in Geneva (CH); The Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, FERMILAB of Chicago (USA); The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, ESRF of Grenoble (France); The Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron, DESY of Hamburg (Germany); The Super Photon Ring – 8 GeV, SPRING 8 of the Hyogo Prefecture (Japan); The Institute for Storage Ring Facilities, Aarhus ISA (Denmark) and the Variable Energy Cyclotron, VECC of Calcutta (India). While the levitating tennis ball suspended magnetically at the third eye altitude is a clear quote to Tilak’s Hindu practice.

The Seven cyclops project is a crossroads of references focused on the concept of strength, invisibility and hyper-connectivity.

Metallic glass resin, neodymium magnets, adhesive reflector, wire, steel,180x38x58 cm.

Metallic glass resin, neodymium magnets, adhesive reflector, wire, steel, tennis ball, 180x38x58 cm.

Metallic glass resin, neodymium magnets, adhesive reflector, wire, steel,180x38x58 cm.

Metallic glass resin, neodymium magnets, adhesive reflector, wire, steel, tennis ball, 180x38x58 cm.
