In 2014, with the Eternal Internet Brotherhood, Pozzi traveled between Palestine, Israel, and Jordan to conduct a number of artistic experiments. The photographs making up Oracle Blue Windows, are documentation of a performance done on site. A photo-sensitive screen was set up in the barren landscape, on which Pozzi “painted” nine different symbols in light using a UV laser. The ephemeral “space-time emoticons” are now photographically fixed images, as the Dead Sea landscape takes on new narrative meanings.


Galerie Alexander Levy -Luca Pozzi

Installation view, Discovery & Premonitions, Alexander Levy Gallery

Galerie Alexander Levy -Luca Pozzi

Installation view, Discovery & Premonitions, Alexander Levy Gallery

Oracle blue windows ceremony in the dead sea region.


Oracle Blue Windows, Lambda print on aluminum, wood frame. 71×47 cm.


Oracle Blue Windows, Lambda print on aluminum, wood frame. 71×47 cm.


Oracle Blue Windows, Lambda print on aluminum, wood frame. 71×47 cm.


Oracle Blue Windows, Lambda print on aluminum, wood frame. 71×47 cm.


Oracle Blue Windows, Lambda print on aluminum, wood frame. 71×47 cm.


Oracle Blue Windows, Lambda print on aluminum, wood frame. 71×47 cm.


Oracle Blue Windows, Lambda print on aluminum, wood frame. 71×47 cm.


Oracle Blue Windows, Lambda print on aluminum, wood frame. 71×47 cm.