The “Third Eye Prophecy Temple” is a place without political, economic and religious coordinates designed by Luca Pozzi as a Cross-Disciplinary meditative space for the emergence of hybrid ceremonials between Contemporary Art, Quantum Gravity, Multi-Messenger Cosmology and ancient oriental divinatory practices.
Born from the conversion of a deconsecrated 17th century church, it’s been created by preserving and consolidating the original external architecture and intervening on the former cult environment through a series of restorations and operations aimed at
redefinition of its semantic structure.

Third Eye Prophecy Temple, Exhibition view. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic
Altar a) The original Altar whit polychrome marbles was engineered with a muon scintillator from the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN). b) Inside the tabernacle a high intensity blue LED lights up when a subatomic particle coming from space collides with its surfaces, signaling its presence. c) Instead of the “ALTAR PIECE” a checkerboard aluminum circuit with 16 magnetically floating pin-pong balls. d) While a series of black crystals hold the necessary tools for the activation of a 3000 years old divination ceremony: d1 ) A cell phone containing an updated digital version of the Ancient Chinese the Book of Changes (I CHING). d2) Three “Third Eye Prophecy Divinatory Coins” minted specifically in order to obtain the hexagram by throwing the 3 coins. The coins feature on one side the effigy of the Third Eye Prophecy Temple, while on the other a mathematical diagram by theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli called “Amplitude” which describes the phase transition between a white hole and a black hole at the Planck scale. Walls / Floor / Windows e) The walls and ceiling were completely rebuilt, restoring the lost axis of symmetry between the entrance and the center of the altar. Furthermore, they have been converted into a device for tracing the 64 hexagrams of the I CHING through the placement of as many reflective stickers. f) While a silk-screened digital collage carpet transforms the entire floor of the temple into a starry sky populated by a gigantic black hole around which orbit a series of elements coming from different times: f1) a Concetto Spaziale Ovale by Lucio Fontana from 1968. f2) The InSight Mars NASA spacecraft of 2018. b3) the Planet Mars of 3.86000000000 years ago. f3) a series of graphic symbols representing particles beyond the standard model created by the theoretical physicist Garrett Lisi in 2007. f4) A coin by Grosso Vignati with the effigy of San Bassiano and San Antonio from 1400. g) To conclude all the Windows were treated with ultra-violet filters and branded with the effigy of the Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Black hole h) In correspondence with the black hole, an electromagnetic levitation platform has been installed capable of keeping a 2.5 cm diameter reflecting neominium sphere in perpetual fluctuation above a crystal of the proportions of the BASE HOUSE of the game of Baseball ( Diamond). i) Integrated into the flooring, below the platform there is a cylindrical compartment containing a ceramic urn partially immersed in a sea of white glass micro spheres waiting to receive the family’s relics.

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Windows detail. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple, Exhibition view. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Dinivinatory tools. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Dinivinatory tools. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Dinivinatory tools. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Dinivinatory tools. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Dinivinatory tools. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Dinivinatory tools. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Dinivinatory tools. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple: The Grandfather Platform (detail) Printed carpet from digital collage. Electromagnetic Platform for levitation. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple: The Grandfather Platform (detail) Printed carpet from digital collage. Electromagnetic Platform for levitation. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple, Exhibition view. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple, Exhibition view. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple: The Grandfather Platform (detail) Printed carpet from digital collage. Electromagnetic Platform for levitation. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple: The Grandfather Platform (detail) Printed carpet from digital collage. Electromagnetic Platform for levitation. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Ceramic urn partially immersed in a sea of white glass micro spheres. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Ceramic urn partially immersed in a sea of white glass micro spheres. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Ceramic urn partially immersed in a sea of white glass micro spheres. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple, Exhibition view. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Windows detail. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Main Entrance, detail. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Main Entrance, detail. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Main Entrance, detail. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Windows detail. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple, Exhibition view. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple: The Grandfather Platform (detail) Printed carpet from digital collage. Electromagnetic Platform for levitation. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple: The Grandfather Platform (detail) Printed carpet from digital collage. Electromagnetic Platform for levitation. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple: The Grandfather Platform (detail) Printed carpet from digital collage. Electromagnetic Platform for levitation. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple: The Grandfather Platform (detail) Printed carpet from digital collage. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple: The Grandfather Platform (detail) Printed carpet from digital collage. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple: The Grandfather Platform (detail) Printed carpet from digital collage. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple: The Grandfather Platform (detail) Printed carpet from digital collage. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple: The Grandfather Platform (detail) Printed carpet from digital collage. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple: The Grandfather Platform (detail) Printed carpet from digital collage. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple: The Grandfather Platform (detail) Printed carpet from digital collage. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. I CHING Exagram reflective stickers. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. I CHING Exagram reflective stickers. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple: The Grandfather Platform (detail) Printed carpet from digital collage. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Altar Piece / Arkanian Window. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple: The Grandfather Platform (detail) Printed carpet from digital collage. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Altar Piece / Arkanian Window. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Altar Piece / Arkanian Window. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Altar Piece / Arkanian Window. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Altar Piece / Arkanian Window. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Altar Piece / Arkanian Window. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple. Altar Piece / Arkanian Window. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple: The Grandfather Platform (detail) Printed carpet from digital collage. Electromagnetic Platform for levitation. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple: The Grandfather Platform (detail) Printed carpet from digital collage. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple: The Grandfather Platform (detail) Printed carpet from digital collage. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple, Exhibition view. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple, Exhibition view. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple, Exhibition view. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic

Third Eye Prophecy Temple, Exhibition view. Photo credit: Stana Kurtagic